Monday, June 11, 2012

   I'm not the greatest about keeping up with this thing am I? I'm better with this than I am with most things though, so that should tell you something. 

I've been tired of working with watercolors for a while, I kept getting big urges to paint something, pulling out my box of paint only to get discouraged. I realized I've never tried oil paints which first weirded me out and second made me incredibly excited. On a whim I ran over to Asel Art Supply (ugh, but it's all I've got in Austin.) and spent all my money ($78) on paint. I bought a a couple of vibrant, beautiful colors in holbein and the more basic white/black stuff in cheaper brands. Wow! It felt so good to try out something new, I feel creative again!

Why aren't there any good art supply stores in Austin? I know this is primarily a music town but you'd think they'd have something. I get homesick for New York and the massive Pearl Paint on Canal St. Can't get much better than that.